
Elugen Pharmaceuticals

Elugen’s technology relies on searching for the biggest medical challenges, and authoring better results. Our mission is to improve medication mismanagement, emergency medicine, and pharmaceutical supply chain efficiency.

Elugen’s technology relies on searching for the biggest medical challenges, and authoring better results. Our mission is to improve medication mismanagement, emergency medicine, and pharmaceutical supply chain efficiency.

Elugen’s technology relies on searching for the biggest medical challenges, and authoring better results. Our mission is to improve medication mismanagement, emergency medicine, and pharmaceutical supply chain efficiency.


We are pioneering the technology to smartly administer

life-saving medicines during medical emergencies by getting the 7 R’s of Logistics into user friendly, pragmatic solutions.

About our Problem

Elugen’s technology relies on searching for the biggest medical challenges, and authoring better results. We believe emergency treatment can be better, and that by leveraging pragmatic logistics thinking we can improve patient outcomes.

Heart Attack

We believe emergency treatment can be better, and that by leveraging pragmatic logistics thinking we can improve patient outcomes.


Stroke is the 5th most common cause of death within the United States.


Finding ways to make the most of your 5 liters of blood.

About our Solutions

We take problems, and that by leveraging pragmatic logistics thinking we can improve patient outcomes.

Pre-Packaged SMHeartCard

With Patented Packaging Technology and a 2 year supply of Aspirin and Sublingual Nitroglycerin.

Treatment Decision Action Matrix (T-DAM)

A new production line, designed to optimize cognitive load, supply efficiency, and reduce malpractice. Designed with the future in mind.

Elugen’s technology relies on searching for the biggest medical challenges, and authoring better results.

Are you ready to get started?

You are encouraged to report negative side effects from prescription drugs to the FDA.  Visit, or call 1-1800-FDA-1088.

This site is intended only for U.S. residents.  The products discussed on this site may have different product labeling in different countries.  The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace discussions with a healthcare provider.

© Elugen Pharmaceuticals

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